Education Board to decide on proposed school closures

Now equipped with a list of recommendations for which Guam Department of Education schools to decommission in the School Year 2025-2026, has the Guam Education Board come any closer to making a decision?
The short answer is no.
The board meeting in the coming days to unpack the options before them with a work session on the matter.
“Well, we already told ourselves that March is the latest that we’ll make a decision–one way or the other. As you know, status quo wasn’t one of the options—but the board can still vote for that,” said Angel Sablan, GEB Chair.
So what is before them?
The possibility of closing Chief Brodie Elementary School and realigning attendance areas to assign students to Juan M. Guerrero, Tamuning, and Liguan Elementary Schools as appropriate.
Also on the table, the closing of Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School and consolidating with Tamuning elementary school. While the GEB could consider consolidating Harry S. Truman Elementary with Marcial Sablan Elementary School.
These options require careful consideration with deep respect for the communities that could be affected.
“I myself personally, do not want to close any schools down–but if we have to, we have to. And it’s for the sake of our kids. Our population has gone down–we’re around 23,000, and we’ve got to start implementing things where we take those funds and put it into the students,” said Sablan.
As for whether feedback from those who may be affected is enough to sway the board’s decisions.
“Everybody’s input naturally, of course, will be taken seriously –and teacher’s and administrators' input is also very important. But, what we really want to look at is the parents and the students. What is best for them,” said Sablan.
It’s a question that may hopefully be answered come next Tuesday, Feb. 4, during the GEB’s work session. The board will meet again for its regular board meeting on Feb. 18.