GHURA deputy says plans on track for new hospital despite federal lawsuit

The attorney general's lawsuit against the governor and the Guam Housing & Urban Renewal Authority over the Mangilao land takings continues to make its way through the court system.
AG Doug Moylan wants the court to put a stop to the land acquisition, invalidate the loans and prohibit the governor from using the American Rescue Plan funds without the legislature’s approval.
GHURA deputy director Fernando Esteves says the lawsuit shouldn't stop the administration's plans to build a new medical complex in Mangilao.
"The land acquisitions - there are some delays but I don't forecast any impediments. It's just going to have to go through the process but we are confident that things are going to work out. So we are just waiting for the court scheduling to allow it to complete and then we will be able to move forward," he said.
A court date has not yet been scheduled.
Governor Lou Leon Guerrero has said she plans to break ground on the new medical complex in Mangilao this year.