Charter schools forge partnership to preserve the CHamoru culture

Have you ever wondered what a promise sounds like? For the school communities of Maga’låhen Hurao Academy and Business and Technology Academy Charter Schools, it echoes with hope, pride, and an unwavering sense of purpose.
Thursday, these two schools forged a meaningful partnership through a memorandum of understanding.
The promise? To preserve the CHamoru language and culture while equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in a modern world.
BTACS Principal Dylan Sablan put it best.
“It is essential to realize that embracing innovation and technology does not require us to choose between advancing our capabilities and preserving our cultural identities,” said Sablan.
It’s a vision shared by Saina Ann Marie Arceo of Maga’låhen Hurao Academy, who hopes to inspire the next generation.
“It’s so important to know who you are because that is the makeup of who you will be moving forward,” said Arceo.
But the mission isn’t just about today, it’s a tribute to the legacy of those who came before them.
“It’s not about us–it’s not about me, it’s not about Dylan–it’s about serving our purpose here for our people and continuing what our manaina have done in the past to come to moments like this,” said Arceo.
With support from the Guam Community College, the University of Guam, and the Kumsion I Fino’ CHamoru, this partnership is paving the way for indigenous peoples to reconnect with and celebrate their cultural identities.
Looking ahead, Arceo said she plans to expand Hurao’s reach, opening a daycare and middle school to further enrich the immersion experience that includes BTACS.