Attorney general: panhandling has created a division in our community

Three people have been ticketed to date for panhandling along Guam’s roadways.
Attorney General Doug Moylan telling KUAM they are no longer giving warnings to anyone caught panhandling during their PanBusters operation.
But, the National Association of Social Workers Guam Chapter condemned the AG’s effort stating criminalizing homelessness and poverty harms individuals already struggling with mental health issues, substance use disorders, disabilities, or the challenges of reintegration after military service.
AG Moylan says he is disappointed by the Association’s push back.
"Panhandling has created a division in our community among the governor and her social workers and the law enforcement men and women officers in this community and the legislature. The legislature is on our side because we are tasked with enforcing the law. My team has been very responsive, we’ve been looking at different ways of skinning the cat so to speak. There is a cat and mouse going on between GovGuam protecting the people and everyone at those intersections and the panhandlers. We know that these guys have communication devices but we are going to shame them," he said.
Over the weekend, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero signed an executive order officially establishing the Division of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention under the Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services. This new division builds on the foundation of the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention, further strengthening efforts to address Guam's challenges with homelessness and poverty.