Dozens of Guamanians concerned about the future well-being of our island, particularly from the local private sector, descended upon the Hyatt on Tumon Bay yesterday for a political candidates forum. The event featured 7 of your neighbors who want a seat in the legislature, as well as 3 candidates seeking election to represent us in Washington, DC as our congressional delegate.

Members of the Guam Women's Chamber of Commerce and the Guam Hotel & Restaurant Association curated a range of topics from issues dealing with economic growth, public safety, healthcare and tourism.

Participating from the senatorial race were incumbent senators Roy Quinata, Sabina Perez, Will Parkinson, Tom Fisher and Vice Speaker Tina Muna Barnes; along with first-time candidate Shawn Gumataotao, and Dave Duenas, who has run previously.

On the delegate side, Ginger Cruz, Senator Amanda Shelton and former congressman Mike San Nicolas took the stage.