Bank of Guam announces record-breaking milestones following their Hagåtña City Run and Block Party held on March 9th.

The signature event, now in its 17th year, raised nearly $87,000 through sponsorships, race registration, vendor pledges, beer garden and merchandise sales, and team registration from the Clutch Guam basketball tournament – all of which reported its biggest number in years.

A check for one hundred percent of all cash donations and proceeds totaling nearly $80,000 was presented to the event’s two beneficiaries, the Guam Chapter of the American Cancer Society and Guam Cancer Care, at the bank’s recent quarterly celebration in front of over 300 Bank of Guam employees.

Bank president and CEO Joaquin Cook said, "It is always heartwarming to see our community come together for a cause, especially one that hits so close to home for so many."