??It was a special Hafa Adai welcome back to Hong Kong Airlines, as it landed at the Saipan International Airport at 2:30 a.m. Monday. 

KUAM was there as its nearly 300 passengers on board the twice-weekly flight were greeted by a water salute and local dancers. They ushered in the first visitors flying directly from Hong Kong in 5 years. 

Managing Director of the Marianas Visitors Authority, Chris Concepcion, said, “We all understand in the industry that, you know, this is a very large and very important source market for the world. And so this is our first step back into the market since COVID.”

“We are very happy and grateful that Hong Kong Airlines is coming back to Saipan, CNMI. I think it's good for our economy and the more airlines come here, the more revenue, the more jobs we have. So we are very, very happy,” said Leo B. Tudela, Executive Director of the Commonwealth Ports Authority.


Hong Kong Airlines Chairman Jeff Sun piloted the plane. Marianas Visitors Authority officials were on board and participated in a celebration in Hong Kong before take off.

Gloria C. Cavanagh is the Chair of Marianas Visitors Authority and she said, “They are already talking about increasing flights…so it is a glimmer of hope…we thank you and welcome you back.”

With that potential for more flights, it's an investment that travel agencies are also betting on. 

Concepcion added, “Travel agencies have bought blocks of seats per flight. There are maybe 60 or so additional seats that are available for sale to the general public.”