Recognizing the need to bolster rehabilitation strategies through evidence-based practices, the Judiciary of Guam’s Probation Services Division participated in case planning training at the Judicial Education Center last week.

Led by Eric Willoughby from the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute, the training enhances the skills of professionals in criminal and juvenile justice tasked with developing and overseeing case plans.

During the training, probation officers and administrative staff explored the principles of effective intervention and how they relate to assessment and case planning, the importance of assessment-driven case planning, and skills to effectively develop case plans with clients.

Administrator of the Courts Danielle T. Rosete said, “Reformative justice is never one-size fits all. For individuals to receive effective rehabilitation, case plans must respond to both their individual needs and the general needs of the community. We are grateful to the UCCI for providing our probation officers with the tools to improve case planning and, in turn, justice for the people of Guam.”

The training was secured by the Judiciary’s Court Programs Office through a Department of Justice Grant under Innovations in Supervision Initiative.