It’s official again, Former Republican candidate for NMI delegate, John Gonzales, is running once more.

He said, “I am running as your Independent candidate for NMI Delegate to the U.S. Congress as your economy delegate.”

Gonzales officially re-launched his campaign for D.C. as an Independent. He withdrew from the GOP primary against Kimberlyn King-Hinds earlier this month days before it was set to take place.

“My primary reason for withdrawing with hesitation from the Republican Party as a candidate was because the power and right of voters to vote for the candidate they unequivocally believe in without any restriction by a political party are quintessentially fundamental. That no one individual, group. or organization whatsoever shall deprive or suppress, which is in violation I think of once a human right to vote,” said Gonzales. 

He said he communicated he wanted an open primary. And in his letter to the GOP about his exit, his campaign said they have “indisputable evidence” calling into question the neutrality of party officials.

Gonzales added, “Now that I'm an independent candidate, I don't have to worry about any political mockery or trickery or sabotage because our people deserve better.”

KUAM asked Gonzales if his departure from the GOP would splinter the Republican vote in November and assist opposing candidates.

“Perhaps there's some weight to that argument, but I want the people to know that I mean well, that I am ingenious, that I am as real, I am as authentic as you want your candidate to be,” he said. 

KUAM learned that former Congressman Ramon S. Basa resigned from CNMI Republican Party Board to join the Committee To Elect John Gonzales as Co-Chairman with Ambrosio Ogumoro.