More than a third of prison population has tested positive for COVID-19

62 more inmates, of the 92 that were re-tested, have come back positive for COVID-19. That brings the new total to 160 out of 452 prisoners – 35% of the population of the Mangilao facility.
On Friday the Department of Corrections retested prisoners experiencing COVID related symptoms from two different posts on the Mangilao compound. "We are doing close monitoring our medical staff here. Anytime one of the posts or any of the inmates and detainees start showing symptoms we make arrangement with public health to go back and retest," said agency director Joe Carbullido.
According to Carbullido, from Post 5, 20 out of 40 prisoners results returned positive and from Post 18, 42 out of 44 prisoners contracted COVID. "Post 18 we are most likely going to keep them isolated in there in their post because there is only two that turned up negative. The population there in that post pretty much tested positive," he explained.
Keeping them in the same bubble, but in separate wings that is the department's strategy to combat the virus. Carbullido says there are four posts determined as "hot". The remaining of the prison's posts have more mild case counts, and all of DOC remains closed off for any incoming, explains Carbullido.
"Everything else is in complete lockdown we are in high restriction mode right now. We are just trying to mitigate and control this virus and once we get back to at least some kind of normalcy from this virus then of course that's one of the very first things I want to do, is get that incoming back on track," he said.
As for hospitalizations, "We remain at 5. So out of the 5, three are still at GMH and 2 were moved up to the SNU area in Barrigada Heights," said Carbullido.
And the count on personnel off-duty is currently at 52, with 15 officers in home quarantine, 35 employees and 2 civilian staff with COVID in isolation. Carbullido says DOC's man power is starting to return.
"I've been doing my part myself to get everybody to remain vigilant and optimistic and things are going to get better," he said. "I think we are hitting rock bottom right now and I'm optimistic and confident that we are going to get through this together as a team."