As a generation that works to live it up, keeping track of our personal finances can sometimes ruin the carpe diem vibes we stand by. We’ve rounded up tips and tricks to keep the fun times going without any pre-payday heart attacks or mid-vacation anxiety attacks.


Staying on top of your finances can get pretty tricky if you’re a millennial who wants to make Cardi-level money moves. Between student loans, budgets, and the mystery that is debt, managing it all can be too stressful to even consider having any fun. UNO’s got you covered with some tips on how to take control of your finances.


  1. Be a Boss Budgeter

Saving money doesn’t have to be a buzzkill, so don’t turn it into one! Getting sort of specific on your money usage will help you recognize where you’re spending too much and give you a sense of how much you should spend. When you budget, you don’t have to go overboard, planning your spending down to the days. Set some boundaries you’d like to keep in mind (like a big monthly limit or the number of times you eat out) and base your rationing around it.


Keep certain amounts for spending the same — groceries and toiletries are a few basic ones — and always set your budget for other things a bit higher than you plan on spending. And if you’re a student, take advantage of every deal you can get. Student discounts and deals among other things are all available to you if you just do the research. At the end of the month, if you’ve got a little extra cash left in your budget, put the rest towards a travel budget. Future you will definitely appreciate that.


  1. Practice Good Financial Behavior on the Daily

Look, we know how powerful it feels to see that Friday direct deposit to your account, payday possibilities starting up in your head. But sometimes being too much of a weekend baller can lead you down a rabbit hole of poor spending choices. Set some limits for yourself when it comes to your daily finances.


You don’t have to be a frugal downer, but tell yourself that buying lunch means cooking breakfast and dinner for the rest of the week. Happy hour drinks with friends means staying in one weekend night. Have your fun to an extent and save your cash for another time.


  1. Know Your Debt

Debt often has a negative connotation attached to it. We often think that owing someone is a sign of failure or struggle. But some debt is actually good for you. Things like student loans, mortgages, and auto loans are actually good investments with low interest. A college education, for example, provides you with the necessary skills to increase your income and financial standing.


Things such as payday loans credit card debt, where you pay for things that will probably lose their value overtime, are considered bad debt. They often come with a high-interest rate, meaning the longer it takes to pay them off, the higher the amount you owe becomes. The general rule is that if you can’t afford it and don’t essentially need it, you can live without buying it.


  1. Understand When to Use Credit or Debit


One key part of knowing you’re financially stable is to be mindful of when to use your credit card and when it’s time to let your debit take the wheel. Credit cards are the best for traveling (since most foreign countries are more likely to accept it compared to debit), any purchase that requires security, and even if you want to earn some rewards. With any of these purchases, keep in mind your spending limits and how much you will have to pay off later.


Debit cards can come into play for purchases that occur on a more daily basis. Smaller buys like your morning coffees or groceries should come out of your checking account. If you know you have the means, there is no need to add tinier costs to an already demanding bill. Using your debit card for more casual spending can also help you stick to your budget and not go mad with the power of the card.


  1. Make Loans Your Friend

While you want to travel the world and live your best life, sometimes your personal funds don’t allow for the lifestyle you have in mind. But why should that stop you? There are a variety of loans you can take out to help you fulfill your bucket list items. Our friends at Pacific Finance Center have a variety of loans to help you live it up.


If you want to open your dream business or even give your business the boost it needs to succeed, look into their commercial loans. And for your more personal needs — vacation funds, a new car — their consumer loans will do the trick. With PFC, you don’t have to be afraid to do the things you want to do now.  


  1. Invest Now, Ball Out Later

Feeling financially responsible and want to move on to generating a greater income? Invest in a Money Certificate to generate interest income from your earnings. Unlike stocks or other investments, Money Certificates that allow investors to adjust positions regularly. If you know that you’ll be fine without a cash reserve for a week or so, you’ll have a better rate of a return with a Money Certificate instead of with a checking or savings account.


Our friends at PFC offer Money Certificates as an investment product with a higher return rate than other investments. They even have an option to borrow up to 95% of your investment, keeping the loan rate only 2% above your certificate rate. Whether you’re looking for a short one month term or want to invest for up to 42 months, they’ll help you decide which investment blueprint is right for you. For more information on opening a money certificate with PFC, head on over to their website