Chamber discusses 2015 program of work
Wednesday, February 25th 2015, 6:37 PM ChST
Guam - The Guam Chamber of Commerce met this afternoon to discuss its program of work for 2015. Among the Chamber's goals for the coming year include building membership, advancing relationships both locally and internationally, creating an interactive approach through technology, catering to member interests, as well as giving back to the community at large.
Chairman of the board Jeffrey Jones said, "The Guam Chamber of Commerce exists to provide a forum to promote the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of the community through its membership."
Not only does the Guam Chamber of Commerce provide training to help small businesses grow and prosper - something it argues will lead to more jobs, economic growth, and community prosperity - but it also hold several charity events. This year's agenda will focus primarily on improving and streamlining these efforts.