Guam - Guam may have received more than $285 million in American Reinvestment and Recovery Act money, but it still hasn't spent all the funds. The latest information shows that Guam has completed 57 ARRA-funded projects and is more than half way done with 22 more.  17 projects are less than half complete while 5 stimulus projects haven't even started yet.

$71 million remains unspent and could have to be returned if the local government fails to commit the funds before Fiscal Year 2014.  According to the latest government data, the Department of Administration received the bulk of the funds totaling $117 million with the Guam Energy Office receiving $30 million, Hawaiian Rock receiving $19 million, the University of Guam getting $18 million, and the Guam Power Authority receiving another $16 million.


CategoriesFunds Awarded
Education $121,323,121
Infrastructure $53,324,419
Energy / Environment $47,397,290
Transportation $30,096,336
Public Safety $9,905,427
Family $6,152,673
Housing $6,057,242
Job Training / Unemployment $4,500,339
Health $3,512,868
Other Programs $2,435,297
R&D / Science $418,280
Total Funds Awarded$285,123,292