Guam - It's become apparent to Guam business owners looking to hire entry-level employees that the island's students are lacking in basic reading and math skills. Last week's career and Techincal Education Summit: "Imagine: Careers Through Education" addressed many of the island's deficiencies and possible solutions.

Keynote speakers Dr. Frankie Laanan and Dr. Janice Friedel, both from Iowa State University, were recognized by lawmakers this morning for their participation in the summit. Laanan said, "I hope that this focus on career and technical education helps everyone, the parents, the industry leaders, policy makers, as well as families and students understand that through education, they can understand the world of work both of them go together."

"The one thing that was heard is that overwhelmingly there is support for career and technical education and this movement and there is a will to move forward so we wish you the best as you proceed and any further assistance that we at Iowa State University can provide, we will be most happy to do so," added Friedel.

Both keynote speakers have extensive experience in workforce development and research and serve as associate professors at Iowa State.