Guam - The number of children being abused in our community is alarming. KUAM News has reported on thousands of cases over the year, but 2011 saw a considerable increase. The Bureau of Social Services Administration reports that there were a thousand more reported cases of child abuse last year. 

BOSSA administrator Lydia Tenorio says her office and staff received 3,294 cases if reported child abuse and maltreatment of minors on the island.  Nearly 800 of those cases were for physical abuse. "It involves any type of physical beating or hitting, if not from the person themselves but from the use of objects and causing injury to the child. Shaken Baby Syndrome is another one that unfortunately happens here on Guam," she explained.

CPS also reports of the child abuse cases 1,500 of the victims are Chamorro, about 400 are Chuukese and just over 200 are Filipino.