Guam - We Are Guahan will be hosting a forum this evening in Yigo to further discuss the Draft Compatibility Sustainability Study. The study was presented by Matrix Design Group earlier this month, and is an effort to ensure mutually beneficial growth occurs during the military buildup. With about three weeks left for the community to comment on the CSS, WAG's Cara Flores-Mays says they hope to better educate the public about the importance of providing input on this document.

"It's really important for our residents to get involved because, for instance, in Yigo some of the flight maps are right over homes and so everyone is going to be affected in some way and the idea is to get people to participate and make comments and suggestions about mitigation and how we can avoid these problems," she said.

Residents have until December 9 to comment. The meeting continues until 8pm tonight at the Yigo Senior Citizens Center.