Guam - Some federal relief is on the way for the fire department's nearly flatlining fleet of ambulances. Following Thursday's informational briefing that highlighted a problem that has plagued the Guam Fire Department for several years now, the Legislature announced today that half a million dollars has been made available to purchase new ambulances. 

Senators Ben Pangelinan and Tom Ada held a conference call this morning with Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo and Assistant Secretary for Insular Affairs Tony Babauta about the need for funds to help with the medic crisis on the island.  The announcement also came with the introduction of Bill 279, which would provide a dedicated funding source to ensure preventative maintenance not just for the fire department's medics but the police department's vehicles as well.

Senator Ada said, "So I believe that we're definitely moving in the right direction getting rolling stock and making sure we have the resources to maintain them so that their level of reliability stays high."

The lawmakers said ambulances could be on the road in 90 days if the legislature commits to issuing the request for proposal and putting out the bid, but said the four to five new medics would likely be here by the end of the year.