Guam - One of the main reasons why road construction projects like Route 4 and the new intersection at the Guam Main Facility post office in Barrigada aren't done is because of the outstanding issue of friction course.  Experts from private companies, Public Works and the Federal Highway Administration have been working to identify a mixture that is acceptable to the feds. 

DPW Director Joanne Brown says it's a critical issue that's caused delays on every road repair project on the island, telling KUAM News, "We do get the calls from residents concerned that while they're driving that road you have manhole covers that seem to be an inch above the pavement and is it going to continue to be that way and you have the wear and tear of tires and things like that we are aware of that and that is the remaining issue is the friction course and we are certainly as anxious as no doubt the private contractor is to get the issue resolved so we can get the project completed and move on."