Guam - Students at Astumbo Middle School participated in a village cleanup today near their campus in Dededo. The group was assisted by the Dededo Mayor's Office. The cleanup event took place along the main road near the campus.

Astumbo Middle School teacher and SBA advisor Gwen Taimanglo says it's an opportunity for students to take ownership and pride in the community where they live and go to school. She told KUAM News, "Astumbo Middle School has an objective to awaken this community to let the kids see that we're connected with them. Today we have Student Body Association members, National Junior Honor Society members, and 8b 8th graders and we are slowly cleaning up the area at the entrance to our school. We are taking ownership of this area."

The students picked up trash, clean the area and even painted a bus stop. Taimanglo says she's hoping cleanups such as this could take place at least once a quarter.