Confirmation held for Benita Manglona
Guam - Saying she was told the Guam Legislature was "going to eat her alive", Benita Manglona handled herself just fine before lawmakers for her confirmation hearing to serve as director of the Bureau of Budget Management & Research. Aside from asking why she'd even want the job, senators like Rory Respicio asked whether she encourages the behavior of the Calvo Administration in creating a panic with the government's finances.
"If anything the government needs to put forward is its best face and to demonstrate stability and the way out of this mess that we're in but does the worst and be a Henny Penny and says 'the sky is falling' and then have other people come out and dispute those numbers I think goes a long way to degrade our way of life on Guam," he noted.
Manglona responded by saying, "Well senator, I guess its just a matter of interpretation; like I said, if the hospital is hollering for funds to pay medication, and the Judiciary system has not been paid and university there owed $9,000,000.
"But Benita," said Respicio, "We've always been a pay as you go government."
For the most part lawmakers supported her appointment. Manglona is a certified public accountant licensed in Guam and California. She holds a master of science in taxation from Golden Gate University and has more than 30 years experience in taxation and accounting.