Guam - The We Are Guahan organization is hosting a rally hoping to unite the community in response to the Record of Decision.  A press release by the group states, "The island participated actively within the NEPA process submitting over 10,000 comments in response to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Despite the outpouring of community involvement, the Final EIS failed to incorporate many of island's concerns into their final plans."

The group reacts to recent news Pagat is still the preferred site for a live firing range. "Guam's community and local leaders presented a united front in opposition to the condemnation of land and the taking of more sites considered culturally and historically significant to the island's indigenous people. However, the Department of Defense's Record of Decision indicates that the condemnation of land through eminent domain is still a possibility," the release stated.

The advocacy organization expressed disappointment the ROD, further writing, "It has become evident the DoD will continue to disregard concerns voiced by the people of Guam."

The rally is scheduled to take place on Friday at Adelup from 4:30-7:30pm.