Guam - The Guam Environmental Alliance kicked-off its beautification project in Talofofo today. The group decided to host efforts to rid the island of graffiti and trash. Its first project is helping to repaint bus stops and create murals. The Guam Environmental Alliance is a non-profit organization developed to create and facilitate projects that promote community activity to improve and learn about the environment.

Board member Elaina Todd said, "We partnered with the mayor and different businesses to paint and make them look beautiful. We are doing six bus stops along this road. This is our first project, our kick off. We are hoping to continue this throughout the island and make things beautiful."

Tom Maxedon from the Guam Young Professionals organization is one of many who helped the Guam Environmental Alliance today.  He said, "This is a great partnership the Guam Environmental Alliance and the Guam Young Professionals with this beautification project. It's a good way to give back to the community. Not a lot of people have the money to do these things on a regular basis, so we thought if we can just donate our time and contribute to the beautification of our island, this is a good place to start."