Guam - 1 Goal is a global movement looking to seize the power of football by ensuring that education for all is a lasting impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. What better time of the year and venue to raise the voices all over the world that together, we can make education a reality for the millions of boys and girls who remain out of school?

Today about 72 million children in the world are denied the chance to go to school and with the call for all world governments to come together, the campaign looks to ensure that all boys and girls complete primary schooling by 2015.

Darcy Leasure told KUAM Sports, "With the 2010 FIFA World Cup, an organization called the Global Campaign for Education is using the World Cup as their platform to launch their program 1 Goal. This year's 2010 World Cups official song is by Shakira called 'Waka Waka' and they have asked people all over the world to dance to this song and to create their own choreography.

"It is just an awesome way to get the word out and have more people aware of the whole 1 Goal project and Shakira has been awesome to be a big part of this. She is already a huge proponent in UNICEF and cares about our children all over the world. So she has been a perfect person for this. But Zumba asked us as instructors to also take part in this project and so we have. We have choreographed our own Waka Waka song and it has been fun to represent Guam in this whole international movement."