Guam - Senators Judi Guthertz and Rory Respicio are urging United States President Barack Obama to make a trip out to Guam. The senators are hoping that after two cancellations for the presidential visit that the third time be the charm. In a joint invitation to the president, the lawmakers state, "It's important that you know that the unprecedented peacetime military buildup in Guam needs your attention. Your 'one Guam, Green Guam' concept is reassuring, but we are not confident that the Pentagon really understands the buildup's effects on the entire island."

"The senators expressed disappointment with the recently canceled visit being only a refueling stop behind the gates of Andersen Air Force Base. They add, "We need your hand to guide these projects; citizens on both sides of the fences must be satisfied. Mr. President, you are truly Guam's best hope for a truly beneficial outcome."