Roadwork planned for Tumon, Mangilao, Yigo

Guam - The Guam Transportation Program released its road construction alert for the week. If you are planning on drive through Tumon, you might want to avoid San Vitores Road from Marine Corps Drive to the Westin Hotel. Construction crews will be work on electrical lines and concrete pavements this week. It'll take about two months to complete, and expect lane closures and delays.
You're encouraged to find alternate routes.
Next there's Marine Corps Drive itself. The contractor will be installing signal poles and mast arms for the new traffic signals at the Wusstig Road intersection. Expect lane closures and short delays. In the meantime, work continues at the intersection of Chalan Lujuna on the concrete foundations for the traffic signal poles.
Next there's Route 10 in Mangilao. Construction crews continue with the installation of new guardrails. Motorists are requested to observe construction signs at the construction sites.
Then there's Route 15 - Dairy Road and Maimai. Guardrail construction crews will be working on replacing existing guardrails. Motorists are advised that this work will require lane closures and one-way traffic to complete the work.
Then there's Route 4 from McDonald's to Route 10. Construction crews continue to work on the Route 10 leg at the intersection of Route 10 and 4. This work is in preparation for placing concrete pavement for the roadways. Anticipate some delays.
Lastly, work continues along Route 16 - the Barrigada Post Office intersection. Work continues there. Motorists should be aware that construction equipment will be entering and leaving the construction site from the roadway. There should be no impact to the traffic flow there.