Guam - The Star Press based out of the state of Indiana is reporting an arrest warrant has been issued for an individual that lives on Guam and reportedly works for TakeCare. According to the online article 55-year-old Frank Winconek is accused of bilking the Eye Center Group of tens of thousands of dollars.

Winconek is the former chief executive officer and former chief financial officer of the company. He's accused of overpaying himself more than $64,000, awarding himself Christmas bonuses and paying himself a management fee of $45,000 and spending $7,800 on ballroom dance lessons, according to the Star Press article.

In response to media reports regarding Winconek, Take Care issued a press release stating "As part of Take Care's stringent recruitment process including an exhaustive national police and criminal background check there were no issues or derogatory notations cited, Furthermore personal and professional references were positive in nature."

President and CEO of Take Care Insurance Joseph Husslein said that his company had  no prior knowledge of the allegations being made against Mr. Dorian Wiconek. The press release further stated that given the serious nature of the claims made against Mr. Winconek Take Care has placed him on administrative leave, allowing him time to address this personal matter. In the interim Ms. Alicia Iseke will be the Health Plan Aministrator for Take Care Insurance