The 8th Annual Strides for the Cure 5k takes place this Saturday, October 3rd, in front of the Outrigger Guam Resort.  Showtime for the run is at 5:15am with go-time set for 6am.  Event coordinator Donna Ysrael Baker said, "The philosophy of Strides for the Cure, Inc. is prevention through education and awareness. We use the proceeds to run TV commercials, trying to educate the people of Guam, that they can reduce their chances of getting cancer by 70% by just doing five simple things everyday.

"Exercise for 30 minutes, eat 5-7 fruits and vegetables everyday, stop smoking, and reduce alcohol consumption and reduce red meat consumption, by doing those 5 things, we believe we can lower our rates of cancer on Guam, and the great thing about these 5 things is that it will also reduce your chances of getting heart disease. So we feel if we keep the money on Guam and help promote healthy lifestyles on Guam, then we will be able to keep our community living longer and healthier, and we really focus on the prevention, cause we feel with prevention, we can eliminate this diseases from our island."

Her husband Jude Baker told KUAM Sports, "This year, like last year, we are running a 5k and a 2k. and its great that the experienced 5k runners will come out, but please with the 2k distance, just about anybody can complete that. We are looking at the kids coming out, even the older generation man'mako's and even cancer survivors and we really get a good turnout of cancer survivors, but it's a very due able distance for any event."

He added, "We have many events happening, we have raffles going on afterwards, where we are going to give 2 roundtrips tickets to Manila, we also have activities for the kids after the race is over, JWS Tumbles is coming down and running a kids camp for about 30-45 minutes for the younger ones, so really we are trying to promote a family atmosphere so everyone can come down and make a change in their lifestyles, moving forward, not just for one day and that's what we really want to see."